
  1. What Causes Hot Tub Foam (and How to Fix It)

    Every now and then, you may come out to your hot tub and discover a giant blanket of foamy suds piled on top of the water. It can be an alarming sight to see. While the bubble bath won't hurt you, most people find it unpleasant. The main issues are to correct the problem and to hopefully determine the cause to prevent a repeat episode. Causes The most common cause of hot tub foaming is a foreign substance in the water. This can range from excess laundry detergent in your swimwear to a chemical reaction with lotions and hair products or using too much algaecide. Another common issue is soft water or a high pH balance. Prevention To prevent a hot tub foam outbreak, follow these tips: •    Don't apply lotions to the skin within five or six hours of going hot tubbing. •   ..
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  2. How to Make Your Spa Set-Up Cozy for Winter Weather

    Hot tubs provide a convenient place to relax, unwind and ease aching muscles at the end of a long day. Many people appreciate spas the most during the winter, when the warm bubbling water offers relief from cold, wet and even snowy weather. The sensation of soaking in a hot tub when there's a wintry nip in the air is hard to resist. Proper maintenance and a few enhancements can make the experience even more enjoyable. Maintaining Proper Temperature and Water Level It takes longer for the temperature in your hot tub to reach and maintain an ideal setting in cold weather. Many modern spas have a controls included in the hot tub equipment that lets you switch the operation to a "no-freeze" mode. This control automatically engages the heating element whenever water temperatures drop below default temperature settings. If your spa has a timer-only control, experts recommend setting the timer to operate for around ..
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  3. Holiday Gift Ideas for the Hot Tub Owner

    With the holidays soon approaching, you might be wondering what gifts to buy for that someone special in your life. If they own a hot tub or like to soak in the spa regularly, there are plenty of options for the perfect present. Gifts don't have to be expensive to be relaxing and useful. Spa Caddy It's always important to have a safe, clean and dry place to put accessories while soaking in the hot tub. The Spa Caddy attaches to the side of the unit. The table swings in or out and holds drinks, snacks and cell phones while everyone is in the water. Pop-up Speakers If your music enthusiast wants waterproof melodies while taking a dip, check out the pop-up variety. The 74101 ..
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  4. Adding Evening Ambience to Your Hot Tub Location

    While using your hot tub in the early morning and during the daytime on the weekends is convenient, it's the evening soak in your spa that is truly relaxing. Perhaps it's because the busy sounds of the daily hubbub have quieted down, as if your entire neighborhood has gone into relaxation mode. The mood of your back yard can make your hot tub experience a truly satisfying one. By adding in some simple yet significant features to your property and picking up a few hot tub supplies, you'll enjoy the unit even more in the evening.   Lighting Change the ambiance of soaking in your hot tub in the evening by adjusting your outdoor lighting. If you don't have anything set up, consider stringing lights around the ceiling area of your porch or securely up above your hot tub. Use a seasonal theme or coordinate the colors with the rest or your ..
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  5. You Can Take It With You: Tips On Moving Your Hot Tub

    If you're planning to move to a new home, you might wonder what to do with your hot tub. You can take it with you. In some cases, like if you're selling your house, the buyers might ask you to let it convey so that they can enjoy it. You can always get a new one, of course, but if you're attached to it or you've decided to take it along, there are a few steps you'll need to follow to safely and successfully move your hot tub. This also holds true if you're changing the location from one place to another on the same property. Helping Hands Ideally, four people can move the hot tub using a sturdy appliance or furniture dolly. Have one person on each end and two people on the sides to guide it. Delegate one person to watch for clearance issues, and make sure all of your helpers understand the plan. Before the Move Make sure that the hot tub is unplugged ..
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  6. Moonlight Spas Now Available

    If you're looking for the latest hot tub model with a great value, you may want to check out Moonlight spas. They are available for order through Hot Tub Spa Supplies, but they are slightly different than any of our other models. Why? They were designed specifically to be sold online. This helps to keep the pricing down, but it makes it more difficult for potential buyers who want to see one up close to get a better feel for the product. As a result, we've set one up on display at our Westchester County location in New York for anyone interested in a hands-on viewing.   We have two Moonlight models to choose from, the eight-foot Moonlight ML844 and the smaller seven-foot Moonlight ML736. They are made in the U.S. and are available in a few different basin, cover and cabinet colors. Both models seat up to six people. The ML844 also includes a lounger. Both Moonlight hot tub packages come with a custom hot tub cover and a water care kit, as well ..
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  7. Troubleshooting Hot Tub Jets

    Your hot tub was designed for your relaxation, so it can be frustrating when the jets that fill the spa with bubbling water don't operate as they should. Fortunately, most problems relating to hot tub jets are relatively simple and inexpensive to resolve. These troubleshooting tips can help you identify the source of the problem and direct you towards the right solution. Non-Operating Jets If you've just drained and refilled your spa and now find that the jets won't work at all, chances are that there's air in the water lines. Resetting the system's pressure valve will usually resolve this problem. Sometimes it's necessary to introduce water into the lines with a garden hose. Jets can also stop operating when they're clogged with dirt and debris. Removing the jets, cleaning them and rotating them to ensure that they spin freely can fix the problem. Uneven Water Delivery..
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  8. Maximizing the Heat In Your Hot Tub

    With the chilly days of autumn upon us, it's time to think about ways to keep your hot tub hot when you're ready to use it without using extra energy. You can also maximize the heat while you're in it. Hot Tub Timers One way to minimize the time and attention spent on your spa is by using a timer. If you have a routine of soaking in your hot tub in the morning and at night, you can regulate the temperature through a timer. By setting it to run at certain hours of the day, specific days of the week, you can be assured that it will always be ready to use without wasting energy when it's dormant. If you're not satisfied with the timer that you have, you can replace it with a time clock that fits your model. Hot tub replacement parts are available from Grasslin, Kiehl and other manufacturers for use with a panel mount or a surface mount. Covers ..
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  9. Is a Single-Person Spa Right for You?

    Spas come in a broad array of sizes, from single person spas to models that seat a dozen people comfortably. There's more to choosing the right size, however, than simply counting up the numbers of people that you expect to join you in the tub. The following tips can help you choose the spa that fits your budget and therapeutic expectations, as well as one that's sized right for you and your household. Weighing Your Options Whether you're installing your new spa inside your home or outdoors under the wide-open sky, it's important to provide adequate support for the weight of the tub after it's filled with bubbling warm water. For spas installed outdoors on level ground, weight likely won't be an issue in choosing a size. If installed on a wooden deck or inside your home, however, you may be limited to selecting smaller sizes unless you enlist help from a structural engineer who can advise you how to upgrade ..
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  10. How Home Spa Therapy Helps Fibromyalgia Sufferers

    A disorder characterized by widespread pain, fatigue and stress, fibromyalgia is a chronic health condition that is often addressed with a variety of treatments. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions (CDC), exercising in warm water can be a beneficial therapy. A number of clinical studies have also proven that soaking in bubbling warm water offers health benefits to sufferers of fibromyalgia. Hot Tubs Proven Therapeutic for Women with Fibromyalgia The Office on Women's Health (OWH), a subsidiary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), recommends water therapy as a treatment that may help women afflicted with fibromyalgia. A study published in the journal Rheumatology International showed that women who underwent spa therapy enjoyed a number of health benefits from the treatment, including a reduction in the number of tender points on their bodies, as well as improvements ..
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  11. A Closer Look at the Hot Spring Heater Relay Board

    Over the years, some heater relay boards for the 2001 to 2008 Hot Spring models have occasionally had issues with overheating and burning out. Rather than getting a new hot tub, this part can be replaced. If you're not sure whether or not the heater relay board is the issue, it can be tested on a voltage meter.  If you're not comfortable doing the job yourself, hire a professional or ask someone who is familiar with electronics. The 74618 Hot Spring heater relay board carries a new replacement design. The connecting points have been improved, making the board function more efficiently and last longer. After removing the old board, you can reconnect the new one using a few tools and by following the directions on the manufacturer's specifications. The new design connects power differently than the original part. For example, the neutral wire from the heater power cord, which is white, has a separate connection on the ..
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  12. Identifying And Solving Issues With Hot Tub Pumps

    One of the most important pieces of hot tub equipment is the pump. Hot tub pumps are responsible for moving the water, keeping it clean and creating an enjoyable experience. Several common issues could prevent a pump from working properly. Homeowners with a spa should be aware of common problems with older pumps and the possible solutions. Low Pressure Flow Several issues could cause low pressure in the spa. There might be a leak in one of the hoses. Repairing this involves finding the leak and sealing it. Another possible cause is a damaged impeller that can't create suction. Replacing hot tub pumps with a broken impeller is the only solution. Clogs could also be restricting the water flow. This requires a complete cleaning and potentially replacing older plumbing pieces that have degraded over time. ..
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