Limelight Pulse
Posted: October 28, 20152015 Limelight Pulse is indicated by the letter in the serial number. for example. ..Read morePublished on
October 2015
Posted: November 28, 20132013/2014 Limelight Pulse is indicated by the letter in the serial number. for example. Serial Number PLS-3S2015 the serial number would read PLS is model 3 third quarter R year(2013) and 2015 is the unit number made. Serial Number PLS-3R2015 the serial number would read PLS is model 3 third quarter S year(2014) and 2015 is the unit number made. Specifications Dimensions: 7'5" x 7'5" x ..Read morePublished on
November 2013
Posted: February 25, 20132009/2010/2011 Limelight Pulse is indicated..Read morePublished on
February 2013