Adjusting the lights and brightness of your display has never been easier for the Hot Spot models. I will be describing and showing you how to go through the settings and save your new changes.


Adjusting Brightness:

  1. Scroll down through the modes until you see LCD under tools and press the plus sign.
  2. You can adjust the brightness from 1 to 3 and click exit to save your changes.

Adjusting Lights:

  1. Click the lights button on the main panel to turn them ON/OFF.
  2. Scroll down through the modes until you see lights under tools and press the plus sign.
  3. Scroll down until you see the color option.
  4. Pressing the plus sign will cycle you through the colors.
  5. If you scroll down a setting you will see an option to dim the lighting.
  6. Scroll until you see the loop option where the colors will cycle through.
  7. Click exit to save your changes.


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