36153 O-Ring Front Wall Fitting

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36153 O-Ring Front Wall Fitting
36153 O-Ring Front Wall Fitting

Front Wall Fitting O-ring

This part is a replacement front wall fitting o-ring for your Hot Spring hot tub. Designed in red to best match the appearance of your spa.

Made for the soothing 7 jet. Compatible with a variety of the 1997 to 2011 Hot Spring Highlife spa models.

*Check specs section for full list of compatible models and years.


Item Description Part number
1 kit wall fitting 71362
2a Jet Face White 71366
2b Jet Face C Grey 71367
2c Jet Face W Grey 73293
2d Jet Face Taupe 72486
2e Jet face escutcheon c grey 73902
2e Jet face escutcheon w grey 73814
3 Gasket 36535
4 o ring 35986
5 Front Wall Fitting 36087
6 o-ring 36153
  1. Open or remove the spa cover.
  2. Remove the jet by grasping the jet faceplate and pulling it away from the spa shell.
  3. With jet in hand, two o-rings should be on the rear portion of the faceplate. If either o-ring is not present, inspect the inside of the front wallfitting and remove the missing o-ring.
  4. To reinstall the jet, reverse steps 1 to 3.
    Important: Make sure that the o-rings are properly seated.


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