Hot Tub Care
Posted: October 25, 2012Is your hot tub water heater working? One of the complaints people have is that their hot tub water is very slow to heat up. This could be the sign of a bad heater, but it could be something else. Once the tub is set up, it is best to leave the hot tub heater on 24-hours-a-day. If you have turned off the heater for some time, the water should be hot within 30 minutes. When you get in and it the water is lukewarm, there is a problem. Some hot tub owners are hopeful that the water will start feeling warmer, so they stay in the spa and wait. Yes, the water does heat up, but it's not because the heater is working, it's from body heat. There are a number of potential reasons the heater may not be working. It could be the heater itself, or it could be another issue that in turn causes the heater to not do its job. If your water is not heating up properly, check your hot tub filter before you do anything else. Changing your hot tub filters ..Read morePublished on
October 2012
Posted: October 25, 2012As fun as spas are to have for social reasons, they are also helpful for health reasons. Heat and a mix of air bubbles and jets are well known to have therapeutic effects on sore joints and muscles. The more relaxed you are, the more relaxed your muscles are. When looking to reduce tension in joints and muscles, a nice soak in your hot tub is a rewarding experience. Sitting in hot, bubbly water and letting the water jets do their job is one way to feel better, but if you're looking for more, check out some of our hot tub supplies. We carry a number of items to help enhance your spa experience. Our line of Spazazz products, for example, will work wonders on sore muscles and joints. Spazazz Rx Muscular Therapy relieves aches and pains with a hot and cold sensation at the same time. Spazazz Detox Therapy reduces toxins, swelling and stress. Spazazz Respiratory ..Read morePublished on
October 2012
Posted: October 25, 2012Most football fans start counting down the days to football season as soon as the Super Bowl ends. For many, being a football fan is not just about the game or the team, it's about the social aspects of watching the game -- the get-togethers, the food, the beverages -- and for some, the hot tub makes all the difference. Not everyone can afford to attend games. Even season ticket holders have to watch away games at home. A football-watching get-together that takes place in a hot tub sets your party apart from the others. Long associated with the cold and snowy months of fall and winter, football fans have always stood up to the elements. Scan the crowds of any college or professional football game and you're bound to see more than just one or two bare-chested fans laughing in the face of Mother Nature. Your crowd can enjoy the game from the comfort and warmth of a hot tub situated on your porch or patio. The snow can be mounded into ..Read morePublished on
October 2012
Posted: October 25, 2012Sometimes no matter how diligently you maintain your spa chemicals, your spa water becomes murky and doesn't seem to flow properly. There are a number of possible problems. First, check to see if anything is blocking the circulation pump. Next, examine your spa filter to make sure it is clean and properly installed. If it is clean, you may have a spa pump problem. Spa circulation pumps are the magical pieces of equipment that help to keep your water flowing when your spa is running. Because they are workhorses, they sometimes get tired out and need to be replaced. When spa circulation pumps are not running properly, water circulation slows or stops altogether. The spa water does not flow through the spa filters, making the water look cloudy and murky, not clear and refreshing. Hot Tub Spa Supplies carries a number of spa and hot tub replacement parts, including the Hot Spring circulation pump, Tiger River parts and other compatible hot tub pumps for Grundfos, ..Read morePublished on
October 2012
Posted: October 25, 2012Keeping a hot tub cover clean is something most people don't often think about, but it will prolong the cover's life and make your hot tub more attractive to visitors, neighbors and even yourself. As with most things, it is easier to keep up when you do it regularly. It is no longer necessary to pull out the soap, water and sponge or spend an hour doing it. At Hot Tub Spa Supplies, we have a number of products available to help you maintain it. One of the easiest products to use is by Leisure Time chemicals. Leisure Time Cover Wipes are a special formula used on vinyl spa covers to remove dirt, grit, pollen and other residue. Wiping down a cover regularly will help to keep it shiny and inviting. This formula also protects covers from ultraviolet rays, which can shorten their. Aside from cleaning it, there are other ways to extend the life of your hot tub cover. Keep it off limits from children with shoes, especially ..Read morePublished on
October 2012
Posted: October 25, 2012One of the most important elements of a spa or hot tub is the cover system. Most people don't think about it unless they struggle to put the cover back on and leave the tub open to save hassle. In those cases, they might have found unwanted things floating in the spa or considerable water evaporation. Leaving the spa uncovered puts added wear and tear on hot tub filters and other hot tub equipment. There are many different types of hot tub covers available. They should fit your spa snugly and be made of waterproof material. Most covers are easier to use when you have a cover lifter for easy removal and storage. Let's look at a few of the types of hot tub cover removal and caddy systems available. One of the most popular types that we carry at Hot Tub Spa Supplies is the Cover Valet. It comes in a variety of models, depending on the size of your spa. The basic cover lifter attaches to the side of your spa cabinet and doubles as a privacy ..Read morePublished on
October 2012
Posted: October 25, 2012If you have a Hot Spot or Solana spa, you have probably had very little need for replacement parts. Both of these spa lines are manufactured by Watkins Manufacturing, a reliable maker of quality spas and hot tubs. In the event of a problem, however, Hot Tub Spa Supplies now carries a number of Hot Spot and Solana parts. We carry Solana and Hot Spot parts for control boxes and panels, timer boards, drain fittings, replacement jets, jet pumps and more. All you need to know is the type of spa you have and what model year it is, and you can order the part from our website. If you don't see the right Hot Spot and Solana parts listed, contact us. We can probably help you find the right one. We also carry a number of spa accessories, like replacement jets, spa filters and cover lock sets. Hot Spot has five spa models to choose from, which seat anywhere from two to seven adults. They are energy efficient and durable enough for everyday use. ..Read morePublished on
October 2012
Posted: October 25, 2012One of the best parts about wintertime is having a hot tub. When you're ready to relax, going out back to the deck and slipping into the hot bubbling water wards off the chill and soothes away the tense muscles. Any hot tub owner will tell you it's a great way to relax. You may want to put together some hot tub supplies for the days when it's very cold or snowing outside. It might be more convenient to set up a place outside where you can stow a few things when getting in and out of the tub. Use a towel tree to hang up a robe and a fresh towel. A small table or cabinet top is handy to set hold things like a drink, eyeglasses and a Smartphone. You might want to keep a small thermometer outside, either on a table or mounted on the wall, to keep track of outdoor temperatures. When it's cold outside, you'll probably be out of the water for a very short time. Unless you're walking across the yard to a gazebo, you may not need shoes. If you do, try using a floor ..Read morePublished on
October 2012
Posted: October 17, 2012Spa and hot tub filters should be changed regularly. While they look very mundane and unassuming, they can have a profound effect on your spa's health. If your spa is not as effective as it used to be, you might just need to change your filter. These are just a few of the symptoms you might experience that can sometimes seem fairly serious, but might have a simple remedy. When experiencing these problems, cleaning or replacing hot tub filters are often the first step in troubleshooting. Poor water flow Spa filters collect debris. When they are full, water can't pass through. Murky or cloudy water -- After you check and change your filter, change your hot tub chemicals. Neglected hot tubs make the filters work harder and limit efficiency. Water isn't hot -- While hot tub heaters could be the issue, keep in mind that the water can't heat up when ..Read morePublished on
October 2012
Posted: October 17, 2012One way to extend the life of your spa is to set aside a little time every few months to check the spa chemicals and keep it clean. If it needs attention more frequently, move up your cleaning regimen to a more comfortable schedule. Draining and cleaning your shell isn't difficult, but be sure to do it according to manufacturer's directions to prevent scratches and damage while removing any residue build-up. Drain the spa, using a mild detergent and non-abrasive sponges to clean the surface. Don't forget the areas on the upper surface and around the jets. Use a hose or a bucket to make sure it is thoroughly rinsed. Wipe it dry to prevent water spots and make sure that the surface is clean. For stubborn spots, use a diluted bleach solution and non-abrasive cleaning materials. Once the shell has been cleaned, refill it with water. Add your spa chemicals as directed. Pay special attention to the water temperature before adding in the chemicals, as most require the water to reach ..Read morePublished on
October 2012