32395 Tee Venturi Jetstream

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32395 Tee Venturi Jetstream
32395 Tee Venturi Jetstream


This part is a replacement PVC mini-jet tee for select Hot Spring hot tubs. The 1/2" connection is the best fit for your precision jets.

Cement or PVC primer should be used to secure the fitments properly. Compatible with 1991 to 2011 Hot Spring Highlife, Jetstream, and Tiger River spa models.

*Check specs section for full list of compatible models and years.



Item Description Part #
1A Face Bezel Jetstream White 36512
1B Face Bezel Jetstream C.Gry 36763
1C Face Bezel Jetstream W.Gry 73309
1D Face Bezel Jestream Taupe 39879
1E Face Bezel Jetstream Escutch WGry 73813
1F Face Bezel Jetstream Escutch CGry 73901
2A Eyeball Insert Assy White 70723
2B Eyeball Insert Assy CGry 72725
2C Eyeball Insert Assy WGry 73310
2D Eyeball Insert Assy Taupe 72485
3 Eyeball Seal Ring 32470
4A Wallfitting Front 31987
4B Wallfitting Front Taupe -
5 O Ring 10437
6 Wallfitting Rear 71126
7 Orifice 32397
8 Venturi Tee 32395


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