37704 Diverter Body 2 Port

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37704 Diverter Body 2 Port
37704 Diverter Body 2 Port

Diverter Body 2 Port

This part is a replacement Diverter Body 2 Port for select Hot Spring hot tub models. To best meet your needs, the diverter has two 2" ports.

The diverter valve has only two positions that are 180 degrees from each other. Compatible with a variety of the 1994 to current Hot Spring Highlife, Limelight, and Tiger River spa models.

*Check specs section for full list of compatible models and years.


Item Description Part #
1 Body, Diverter Valve (2 Position) 37704
2 Nut, Diverter Valve 75117
3 O-ring 34319
4 Collar, Diverter Valve 75116
5  Diverter Valve Kit  70849
6a  Diverter Bezel 2IN 94 34310
6b Diverter Bezel 2IN Grey 36220
7   Snap Ring, Diverter Valve 34350 
8  Diverter Valve Kit Screw 8-16x1/2  33850
9a  Air Control And Diverter Valve Screw Cap White 33833 
9b Air Control And Diverter Valve Cap Gray Quarite 36224
10 Diverter Valve Lever White  34311 


Item Decription Part #
1A Kit Lever Bezel White 73361
1B Kit Lever Bezel Grey 73360
1C Kit Lever Bezel Taupe *
2 Kit Deverter Retrofit 71799
3 Lever and Bezel *
4 Snap Ring 34350
5 Collar 75116
6 O-Ring (2328) (or Silicone Adhesive RTV) 34319
7 Nut 75117
8 Body 37704
9 Valve Kit 71494
** Snap Ring Tool 70825

Item Description Part #
1a Lever Diverter Valve CG 75112
1b Lever Diverter Valve WG 75113
2a Bezel Diverter Valve CG 75114
2b Bezel Diverter Valve WG 75115
3 Gasket/Light Pipe Diverter Valve 75123
4 Snap Ring 34350
5 Valve Kit 71494
6 Collar Diverter Valve 75116
7 O-Ring (238) (Or Silicone Adhesive RTV) 34319
8 Nut Diverter 75117
9 Body Diverter Valve 37704
* Snap Ring Tool 70825


Item Description Part #
1A Kit Lever Bezel White 73361
1B Kit Lever Bezel C Gry 73360
1C Kit Lever Bezel W Gry 73359
1D Kit Lever Bezel IMD W Gry 73820**
1E Kit Lever Bezel IMD C Gry 73829**
2 Kit Diverter Retrofit 71799
3 Snap Ring 34350
4 Collar 34308
5 O-Ring (238) (or Silicone Adhesive RTV) 34319
6 Nut 34309
7 Body 37704
8A Valve Kit 71494
8B Kit Modified 2 Port Diverter with Flow Restrictor 73768
** Snap Ring Tool 70825
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