33928 Bullet Weir

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33928 Bullet Weir
33928 Bullet Weir

Bullet Weir

This part is a replacement bullet weir for select Hot Spring hot tubs. The skimmer weir consists of a blade assembly, weir frame, pivot button, pivot brace and key.

Located at the entrance of the filter compartment and is designed to allow water to enter the filter area. Compatible with 1993 to 2013 Hot Spring Highlife spa models.

*Check specs section for full list of compatible models and years.



Item Description Part #
1A Blade Asembly White 70466
1B Blade Assembly C,Gry 71264
1C Blade Assembly W.Gry 73174
1D Blade Assemnly Taupe 72482
2 Compression Spring 33934
3 Bullet 33928
4A Weir Kit White 75060
4B Weir Kit C.Gry 71265
4C Weir Kit W.Gry 73175
4D Weir Kit Taupe 72483
5 Key 33933
6 Pivot Button 33931
7 Pivot Brace 33932
* Safety Grate White 73331
* Safety Grate C.Gry 73332
* Safety Grate W.Gry 73176
* Safety Grate Taupe 73333


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